Amma studied painting in Australia, at Adelaide Central School of Art and she has an MA in fine art from George Enescu National University of Fine Arts. She showed in New York, London and Sydney and has works in private collections across the globe. Amma is an Australian citizen but chose to come back to Romania, being inspired by the beautiful nature of her birth country. Appointments by phone or whatsapp:
Amma ( Magda Vacariu ) a studiat pictura la Adelaide Central School of Art in Australia si detine un Master in arte plastice de la Universitatea Nationala de Arte George Enescu Iasi. Amma este membra a Uniunii Artistilor Plastici Profesionisti (fondata in 1946). A fost ghidata in studiul artei de artisti prestigiosi precum Robert Hannaford, Christopher Orchard si Valeriu Mladin. A expus in Sydney, Adelaide, Londra si New York, si lucrarile ei fac parte din numeroase colectii din Statele Unite, Europa si Australia. Intoarsa in tara din 2008, artista ofera cursuri de pictura si desen in Brasov.
In iulie august 2022 Amma a expus la Muzeul de Arta Brasov. Vedeti video aici: