Friday, January 22, 2010


Here is a list with my favourite films:

Dean Spanley (2008, New Zealand, UK), is a comedy after a short novel by Lord Dunsany. Dean Spanely seemed that he was no more or less than a dog in a previous life, and the interaction with him, makes everyone and especially cynical old Fisk, played by the wonderful Peter O'Toole, to learn the value of life. "One moment we were running along, next moment we weren't..." seems to be the key phrase of the film, an urge to live life to the full and value every moment of it...

Shine (1996, Australia), about pianist David Helfgott. An amazing performance of Geoffrey Rush. Part of the movie is filmed in Adelaide, where I spent some beautiful years.

A single Man (2009), a film about love and isolation and the importance of the small moments in our life. Painfully beautiful. 

 The Third Star (2010) - it seems to be a film about death, but in fact it is all about life and the most important things in life, love and friendship. The final scene just blew me away. 

Enlightment Guaranteed Two brothers from Germany feel that they failed miserably in their lives. They travel from Munich to Japan and even if they seem that they lost everything, they got to find themselves in the end.

The Barbarian Invasions (2003) 
When it's time to leave you can see what is really important. Two Oscars in 2004, for best foreign film and best original screenplay, one more reason to watch it. 

Ardor (2002, South Coreea) Not accepting the truth can be much worse.

(Kieslowski) Essence of life is living. Juliette Binoche is doing one of the roles of her life.

Lust, Caution (2007)
 Seeing this film on the big screen was totally worth it. Intriguing and passionate film about the favorite themes of Ang Lee, duality and repression. 

Chinaman - a beautiful but sad story about love.

In the Mood for Love
 and "2046"both by Wong Kar Wai (Hong Kong director), inspiring and beautiful films about love, extraordinary image by Australian Christopher Doyle.

The Double Life of Veronique
 - Kieslowski explored themes of duality and fate, music of Zbigniew Preisner

Andrei Rublev (about artist's destiny), Stalker (you must see it at least twice to grasp some meaning), Nostalgia, Sacrifice, Solaris, Mirror.

City of Angels with Nicolas Cage, remake of Wings of Desire. Extraordinary idea, it could have been used better, but still worth to watch. Would you swap eternity for love if you were an angel?

Le Temps qui Reste/ Time to Leave Nothing seems to be enough to change such a mean and selfish young man, but than something happens, and he becomes a totally different person.
Seraphine wonderful film on Seraphine Louis life and art. See the post for more details:

Breaking the Waves - disturbing film of Lars von Trier. From the beginning I felt like the director wanted to tell us something was wrong, but what? Was it too much love, or too much faith? Or maybe it was too much "kindness", the way Bess' doctor called it? Whatever it was, I was completely taken by this film, and I am not going to tell you more to not spoil everything. One of the best roles of Emily Watson. 

Savage Messiah - about sculptor Henri Gaudier. See the post for more details

The Silent Touch (Atingerea mainii) - Is it art living our life everyday as humanly as possible, or is it art the selfish passion which asks the unconditional sacrifice of everyone around? This film is as much about the art of life as it is about the elusive nature of creativity.

Life of Pi

Adam's Apples (2005)

The Great Beauty

I Killed My Mother (2009)

The Pianist

Pina 3D

No Man's Land

Fight Club


Being John Malkovich (1999)

In the Name of the Father (1993)

Todo Sobre Mi Madre


Priceless (2006) comedy with Audrey Tautou

Life is Beautiful (1997)

The Big Blue (1988)

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