Friday, February 4, 2011


Emma Bennett

Cindy Wright

Lisa Dinhofer

Patricia Hansen

Jude Rae

Daniel Sprick 

K. Henderson

Margaret Morrison

Marco Martelli

Berry Kuiper (

Louis Serrano

Jos van Riswick

Amalia Ranisau

Peter Burgess

Tom Gregg

Claudia de Vilafames

Cathy Bohlke

William Bailey

Helen Wilson

Neil Nelson

Henk Helmantel

 Robert Hannaford

Kenne Gregoire


Georgia Korogiannou said...

Amazing artworks..

Anonymous said...

Art is not a mirror to reflect the world, but a hammer with which to shape it.

martinealison said...

La liberté de dire, de voir et de créer relie l'ensemble de ces artistes... Leurs oeuvres sont sublimes.

Anonymous said...

bellisimas obras!!!!! felicidades!!!!.Un saludo.

Curagau Pavel said...

I like this works because is more than reality, there are alive.

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